Sunday, May 28, 2017

Gray Bunny Finish

This beauty is for a little blessing in my family. I sent it to the quilters so it would be finished on time for a delevery in May. The only instructions given to the quilter were "don't over quilt it, I want the bunny to be the focus". When I went to pick it up she had the saddest eyes and quickly said how sorry she was for doing exactly what I asked her not to do. She just got going and quilted away and went to add up the total and read my instructions and just about had a heart attack.

Of course I told her not to worry that it was fine and if she thought it needed to be quilted that way it was fine. I paid her and even let her quilt 2 more of my quilts after that. :)

filter added to show some quilting.

the back, also with a filter, to see more of the quilting.

Sadie's Dream for a Cure

I enjoy making items for others. Sometimes i like the items so much that they don't leave my house.. Hmmm i hope i'm not the only one with this problem.

I started 3 bags for Sadie's Dream for a Cure and then ran out of the fusible Fleece for the body of the bags and had to put it on hold until i made it to the store. With 4 days left of the month i finally cranked out my pledge of 3 bags.

We have been flooded with rain this spring. After driving home in almost blind conditions it stopped raining and after i pulled into the garage i was able to snap this faint rainbow to the south of my home. It looks like there could have been 2 more but i couldn't tell for sure. I also looked for the other end of the rainbow but it was bright blue sky to the north.

Monday, May 1, 2017

May one montly goal

I have pledged to make and send 3 bags this month to Sadie's Dream For A Cure.

(I borrowed pictuers of their Logo and finished bags from their web page. ***These are NOT my photos***)

If you would like to join me check out the link below.